AEGEE München Organizer Weekend in Passau

Der Artikel über das Organizer Weekend ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
An absolutely awesome weekend in Passau is awaiting you. On this weekend we will plan some great activities for the next year. These are the Cottage Weekend, YVote and the Summer University. By helping to organize it, your place is secured on those great events of course and you will participate in what AEGEE makes it the best.
– Planning/Organizing the aforementioned events
– Passau City tour
– Enjoy Passau Nightlife
– AEGEE Passau Erasmus Party
– Fun, fun, fun!!
We have 10 spots left for this Organizer Weekend, so please fill out the attached Google doc until
Wednesday 25th of December, midnight.
Don’t worry, this is not as formal as it sounds, just let us know, why you want to help us organizing something and what this is you want to organize. If you don’t know exactly what the events are, you will find a more detailed description below.
Passau is an absolutely great students city located between 3 rivers, Danube, Inn and Ilz. AEGEE Passaus is supporting us at the weekend with rooms at the university, with the actual program and the night life part :D! We will stay at a pension that is really cheap, so the overall costs should be around 50,- EUR for the whole weekend (going there by bus, staying there and two meals on Sat and Sun; parties are excluded :-)).
We are very much looking forward to the weekend
Tom, for you AEGEE München team 🙂
Cottage Weekend: You like the idea of mountains together with 37 other awesome people from all over Europe? And you have some ideas on what to do else or want to support those who have? The cottage weekend is a 2 1/2 day event and is a nice way to get into the world of organizing an AEGEE event. Christian is a very experienced organizer, the main responsible for this event and very much looking forward to organize it with you.
YVote: You agree that 32% of participation in an European election are not enough to represent the opinion of us, the young people in Europe?! You are probably right and this is your chance to change that. We plan a program to promote the idea of the European election which will take place between the 15.04 and the 25.05.2014. This will very likely be a lecture series consisting of 4-5 lectures on what is Europe and the programs of the individual parties. Tom will be the main organizer for YVote.
Summer University: You have been on a Summer University or just want to be part of one?! Then this is your chance to make this a very special summer for you and everyone else. Between 30 and 50 people will join us on the Summer University next year and we want to make the best out of it! We are planing the Summer University together with two other great Antennae (we talk about the names on the weekend) in Germany and show the participants what a great place Germany is. This is the highlight of every AEGEE year and you should not hesitate to join organizing it. Veronika is the main organizer of the SU.